Become a Member

Please fill in the information below and we will contact you back:


Frequently asked questions on our association:
Who can become a member?
Everyone can join our club. Competitions and leagues are held around Malta in various location so practically one must have his own transport to attend in every venue.
What should I learn from the club?
Joining KSFA will not guarantee you become a top fisherman. We just focus on shore fishing and basically one will only be learning and improving on the sports aspect of fishing. One must keep in mind that fishing is very complex and by joining KSFA you are not learning the natural fishing art.
How much will it cost?
It will only cost around 15 euros to pay your yearly membership fee, around 20 euros to compete in the singles, doubles league and mullet league.
But as all other sports you need to have good tackle, good bait on the day which will end up as a good expense to compete in all matches.
How long has KSFA been going on?
Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association has been been there since the early 90's. Founded by Steve Johnston the club has grown and matured and today we can say we are the leaders in Sport Fishing organisation when we come to sport fishing on the island. Our anglers have always placed in top positions and also participated in various international tournaments abroad with successive results.
What is the club's main aim?
Our aim is to use our sports as a conservation to our future. In all matches the rule of Catch and Release is always practiced and our members are always taught how to care for the future of fish and marine conservation. Lately we also partnered with the University of Malta and in most matches our catches are being monitored and studied by students who attend the fishing leagues and gauge our catch.
When should one become member?
One can become member whenever he wants, but it is advisable that one should join prior to a league starts.
Here are some different fishing techniques practiced in our matches:




29/05/2018 16:36
     There are a lot of different techniques for fishing competition but there is one which surely is a game changer when fishing certain venues, Speed Fishing. Not all anglers like this type of fishing but all those practise it do say that they are the best. This year our Club has...
22/05/2018 07:48
  The first match of KSFA Johnston Singles League literally started with a bang, as although the day started nice and clear, midway we were hit by a thunderstorm, with hail and torrential rain. But as usual our anglers would not be out done, and although drenched and most without...
09/05/2018 12:53
  When you hear KSFA Malta you know that you can find expert advise on different type of shore fishing techniques. This year KSFA is collaborating with boat fishing expert Piere Galea of Fishing Mania Charters.  They offer a lot of different services mainly being: Half Day Fishing...
07/05/2018 12:26
  On the 7th January our Club had it's Annual General Meeting and since the KSFA Al Legna Doubles League starts a couple of days afterwards the competitors started chatting about the Doubles League at the dawn of 2018. This year there was a main difference that technically affected all Fishing...
06/05/2018 21:19
  Today, the final match was held at Xghajra. Sea was really calm but before the commencement of the competition friendly tension was felt since it was the last match and all Top 3 positions where drawn up. As soon as sections where drawn teams fighting top spot was drawn in the same section...
05/05/2018 07:20
    Tomorrow at Xghajra we shall be having the final Competition from this year's Doubles League.3 Teams are still battling the Championship Spot. The team composed from Jason Saliba & Jonathan Aquilina have a slight advantage over the other two teams composed from Joseph Ellul /...
04/05/2018 07:07
  Last Sunday 29th April the 4th and final match of the NFSAM 2018 League was held. This final match was held at Qawra Point, just below the National Aquarium facing the open sea. This match was an open where anglers could have used both leads and floats. From the early minutes of the...
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Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association +356 77050624 - Andre Borg
+356 79008966 - Kenneth Abela

Hon President: Steve Johnston

President: Andre Borg
Treasurer: Kevin Cassar
Secretary: Kenneth Abela
Match Co-ordinator: Sandro Cohen
Member: Raymond Farrugia