Venue change for next Sunday's singles third match

19/02/2014 19:59

Steve our Chief Marshall for next Sundays match has just been to Exiles and the sea is very very rough, the forecast for next Sunday is also for a force 4 to 5 NWestery wind, so we anticipate that the sea would still be very rough. 


The alternate is Sliema ferries where we will also have problems due to the Malta Marathon, we would be unable to leave the venue after the match till all marathon participants finish the race if they let us park there in the first place.

In view of the above the committee has decided to change the venue to Pixkerija Valletta. We shall still be meeting at 0600 to start at 0700 till 1100hrs.

Thanks for understanding.



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Kingfisher Sport Fishing Association +356 77050624 - Andre Borg
+356 79008966 - Kenneth Abela

Hon President: Steve Johnston

President: Andre Borg
Treasurer: Kevin Cassar
Secretary: Kenneth Abela
Match Co-ordinator: Sandro Cohen
Member: Raymond Farrugia